Popular Education

Check out highlights from 2021’s CLT Day of Action!
Watch our 2014 video, which explains how community land trusts (CLTs) work, introduces founding NYCCLI members, and outlines NYCCLI’s work to grow CLTs to combat NYC’s affordability crisis. (Since this video was created, more than a dozen new CLTs have taken root across NYC!)
Our board game, Trustville, invites players to embrace the role of neighborhood stewards as board members of the local CLT. Players’ characters are faced with different scenarios that can help or hurt the community and must make decisions collectively about what their community needs. At the end, players work together to decide what to create on a vacant lot the land trust has acquired. Players emerge from the game with a better understanding of what CLTs and MHAs are, as well as how they could help their community secure permanently affordable housing for people with extremely low incomes. Contact us to discuss bringing Trustville to your organization or community!
Harnessing the power of storytelling, Fighting to Save our Communities: How Community Land Trusts can Help us Take Control of our Buildings, Neighborhoods, and Futures takes readers through the steps of organizing a building to join a community land trust. Based heavily on real-life organizing in East Harlem, NY, this comic illustrates the milestones on the way to effectively organizing a CLT. The comic can be read alone, or acted out with a group of tenants for a more interactive exercise. Finally, the comic folds out to display an eye-catching poster designed to raise awareness and spark conversation around CLTs. Check out the digital file in either English or Spanish, or contact us to request paper copies.


CLT Governance Options
CLT Governance Options
The Lay of the (Community) Land (Trust)
The Lay of the (Community) Land (Trust)
CLTs With Municipal Support
CLTs With Municipal Support
How CLTs Do Development
How CLTs Do Development